Recovery Advocacy
Our Voices Have Power!
Our Advocacy Efforts
NIRCO spearheads Northern Illinois' advocacy efforts to educate and provide information about substance use disorders and recovery for policymakers and our community. We want our legislatures to make informed decisions about Illinois residents who need access to health care and funding for prevention, treatment, and recovery support services.
NIRCO hosts an annual “Rally for Recovery” during National Recovery Month. The event is advocacy in action and provides an opportunity for our local media and community to see the positive impact of funding prevention, treatment, and recovery programs. This advocacy effort brings together hundreds of people, the Voices of Recovery, to communicate to our government leaders the positive impact that Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Support have on the people of Northern Illinois.
Our goal is to impact the decisions about proposed Bills and funding cuts and to raise awareness that every dollar spent on Substance Use Services and recovery support services has personal benefit to citizens of Northern Illinois in need of help. As we increase our advocacy efforts and this level of support, we will continue to reduce the barriers that many people seeking help often face.