NIRCO's Annual Awards Gala
Event Details
NIRCO's Annual Gala is an elegant fundraising event featuring an awards show to acknowledge the hard work of individuals and professionals in our recovery community. This year, our gala is happening on July 22nd, 2023.
Awards are presented in the following categories:
Recovery Champions
Recovery Advocates
Recovery Allies
This event also aims to raise funds for our nonprofit Recovery Community Organization and celebrate our experience, strength and hope with our supporters and donors.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Gold- $1,250
Includes 4 tickets, *1 full page ad, priority table placement, included in NIRCO's constant contact release.
Primary mention during the event, from the podium and on the screen during the event.
Silver- $750
Includes 2 tickets, *1/2-page ad, secondary table placement, included in NIRCO's constant contact release, mentioned during the event and on the screen during the event.
Bronze- $400
1 ticket is included with this level, * 1/4page ad, included in NIRCO's constant contract release, mentioned during the event on the screen during the event.
Please select you desired level of
Please select one of the following:
[] Gold Sponsorship- $1,250
[] Silver Sponsorship- $750
[] Bronze Sponsorship-$400
[] Table of 8- $900
[] Individual ticket- $100
Additional sponsorship opportunities (Please add amount to Sponsorship donation)
[] Dinner Sponsor
[] Decoration Sponsor
[] Dessert Sponsor
[] Entertainment Sponsor
Make checks payable to:
Northern Illinois Recovery Community Organization
Checks should be mailed to:
Northern Illinois Recovery Community Organization (NIRCO)
202 S. Genesee St. Waukegan IL
To become a sponsor, please fill out our form here.
Dear Potential Sponsor,
Northern Illinois Recovery Community Organization (NIRCO) is a 501 (c) 3 organization that provides recovery best practices to reduce the stigma of substance use disorder and mental health. NIRCO operates on a four-pillar approach to services and resources including: Recovery Support Services, Recovery Education, Recovery Advocacy, and Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC). NIRCO’s recovery support services are provided by individuals with lived experiences in recovery management. NIRCO provides peer-led and peer-driven recovery support services that are built on recovery capital, thus creating a safer Lake County. This national concept of peer-driven services has positioned NIRCO to be the first and only Recovery Community Organization (RCO) in Lake County.
NIRCO has hosted educational series, pop-up events and recovery support meetings while continuing to fight the opioid epidemic and the effects of COVID- 19 on our communities. To date NIRCO has provided services to over 1100 individuals, families, and community partners with the help of volunteers, grants, and other donations since our inception in 2019.
On Saturday July 22, 2023, the Northern Illinois Recovery Community Organization will be hosting its 2nd Annual Gala Fundraiser at the Greenbelt Cultural Center in Waukegan, Illinois. This event will highlight the impact of our work while celebrating our champions, advocates, allies and ambassadors.
We are asking for your support to continue the work needed in our community. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact us at 847-662-3205 or via email at the address below.
Warmest Regards,
Dr. Mary Roberson
202 S. Genesee Street Waukegan, IL 60085
Phone 847-662-3502