Donate for Recovery
Any donation you can contribute to NIRCO is greatly appreciated. You can either make a one-time or monthly recurring donation via credit card at our secure non-profit donation website. Please note NIRCO is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your donations are tax-deductible.
Support Northern Illinois' Recovery Community
Nearly two-thirds of Americans have friends or family members who have struggled with alcohol or other drug addiction. Clinical addiction treatment can be an essential step to beginning recovery. However, treatment programs are often limited in their duration and are only the first step in healing. Learning to cope with the daily challenges of employment, stable housing, family and social relationships, and legal issues while building a healthy life in recovery takes a long-term approach.
There are thousands of Northern Illinois residents in recovery and thousands who still need assistance. Persons in recovery hold jobs, pay taxes, raise families and contribute to their community. This is where NIRCO can help.
Your Donations are Tax-deductible:
Any donation you can contribute to NIRCO is greatly appreciated. You can either make a one-time or monthly recurring donation via credit card at our secure non-profit donation website. Please note NIRCO is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your donations are tax-deductible.
Donations contribute to the following recovery support services:
Recovery Community Center
Recovery Volunteer Opportunities
Recovery Support Groups
Recovery Social Events
Recovery Training and Workshops
Family Support and Education
Recovery Coaching